This request form is to be used for reserving Iowa State University outdoor space and to help coordinate services needed for the event. It is preferred that request be made at least 10 business days in advance of proposed event. Scheduled activities and events must conform to the appropriate use of the space.

Please fill out this form completely and you will be contacted by the appropriate department to assist you with your event needs. This form is intended only for requests. It does not guarantee that the space is available or reserved.

See Outdoor Reservation Campus Map

Book an Outdoor Space Section 1: Event Basics

Include a.m. or p.m.
Include a.m. or p.m.
Include a.m. or p.m.
 Include a.m. or p.m.
To select multiple spaces, hold ctrl and click on each space.

Section 2: Event Coordinator (primary contact)

Section 3: Type of Event

Type of Event

Is this a BBQ or food event?*

Section 4: Pre-Event Services Planning

Is electricity needed for your event?*

* not all outdoor spaces have this available, charges may apply

Will trash receptacles be requested?

Will anything be staked into the ground (tents, signs, banners, etc.?)

A charge for locating underground utilities is required for anything staked into the ground and it requires 5 business days notification. A charge for locating underground utilities is required for anything staked into the ground and it requires 5 class days notification.

Section 5: Event Description


Needing tables or chairs for your outdoor event?

For events held on central campus, recognized student organizations may request tables and chairs be added to their reservation.