Requests must be submitted

  • at least 3 business days

    prior to preferred event date

Please fill out this form to reserve a space in the Memorial Union. Requests should be submitted at least 3 business days prior to the proposed event. Want to see if your date(s) are available? View current event reservations at the Memorial Union. The Event Management Office (MU 3630) is open from 8:00am - 5:00pm Monday through Friday if you have questions or concerns regarding your space request. Call us at 515-294-1437 or email

MU Room Request

Your Name
Request must be submitted 3 business days prior to event
To select multiple spaces, hold ctrl and click on each space.
Room Set-Up
Please include the activities and timelines of event

Is the event open to people outside of your department or organization?*

Will you be charging admission, registration or vendor fees at this event?*

Will the event include food or beverages?*

ISU Catering has an exclusive contract to provide catering within the Memorial Union

Event Services

(Please see list below)
Number of microphones, displays, streaming or web conferencing etc. A/V Packages and Pricing

Will your event include a hybrid or virtual option?

Enter your worktag followed by DD (if applicable) in this format: PGXXXXXX DDXXXXX