John Hickey

  • 2nd Lieutenant
  • World War II
  • West Wall (by Entrance Door)

Feb 28, 1945


Year at ISU: 1944 - Chemical Engineering; may have been a member of Beta Theta Pi, Tau Sigma chapter

Second Lieutenant John H. Hickey was known as "Jack."

Other records shows that he died February 28, 1945. There are only a couple notes in his file.

#1 - Dated October 1957: "Lucille: This Johnson boy from Beta House says John Hickey, Ex. '44, reported deceased. You migth check with Mrs. Jones @ Beta House."

#2 - Different handwriting: "Killed in Action in Germany married and has baby born since his death. Mrs. Jones will get more information for us soon."

If you have any further information please contact the Memorial Union.