John Stever

  • 1st Lieutenant
  • World War II
  • West Wall (by Entrance Door)

Fairfield, Iowa

Jul 26, 1944


Year at ISU: 1943

First Lieutenant John C. Stever was born in Fairfield, Iowa to Mr. Ralph H. Stever. John served in the Army Air Forces.

Letter to Alumni Association, Dated Dec. 18. 1944:

"Your Christmas Greeting to First Lt. John C. Stever was received in due time. I regret to say that John's last letter to us was on July 2, saying he hoped to return home in the very near future. On July 26, the government reported to us that John was missing in action near Austria. There were ten men on his airplane. He was the navigator. Four have been reported found - John was not one of the four. To date we have heard nothing more. I thank you for remembering John at this joyful season.

Most sincerely. Miss Mary L. Stever, John's Aunt."