Leslie Gilbert

  • Captain
  • World War II
  • West Wall (by Entrance Door)

Madison, Wisconsin

Oct 24, 1944


Year at ISU: 1927

Captain Leslie B. Gilbert's hometown was Madison, Wisconsin. His mother was Esther Gilbert, and he had two brothers: Army Captain Gerald Gilbert who served in the South Pacific, and Army Captain Rowland who served in Germany. Leslie was eventually married to Marguerite Gilbert. 

Leslie studied Civil Engineering at both Iowa State College and at the University of Wisconsin. He worked for the highway department of the State of Wisconsin beginning 1931. He went from being a reservist to active duty in January 1941.

He was sent to the Philippines and was captured during the Fall of Corregidor. Marguerite wrote the following letter, which appeared in the August 1945 issue of "The Reservist":

"The war department informed me on June 19th, 1944 that my husband, Captain Leslie B. Gilbert, C.E., was among more than 1700 prisoners of war who perished when a Japanese prison ship was sunk by submarine action last October 24, 1944 in the South China Sea. The sinking occurred more than 200 miles off the China coast, which was the nearest land. Five prisoners escaped in a small boat and reached the coast. Four others were picked up by the Japanese who reported that all other prisoners were lost."