Merle Vanderhorst

  • 2nd Lieutenant
  • World War II
  • West Wall (by Entrance Door)

Oskaloosa, Iowa

Aug 28, 1945


Second Lieutenant Merle E. Vanderhorst grew up in Oskaloosa, Iowa. He was the son of Bert Vanderhorst.

Merle would have graduated with the Class of 1946 at Iowa State in Engineering, but instead joined the Army Air Forces.

The following is from a newspaper clipping dated October 21, 1944:

"Lt. Merle E. Vanderhorst Ex. '43[sic '46], B-24 Liberator bomber pilot, who has been missing in action in action in the Mediterranean theater since Aug. 22, has been awarded the Air Medal. Arriving in that theater in July, Lieutenant Vanderhorst took part in bombing attacks on strategic enemy installations at Frejus, France; Ploesti, Romania; Szolnak, Hungary, and a heavy bombardment of an enemy airdrome at Markerdorf, Austria, from which he and his bomber crew failed to return on August 23, 1944."

His official date of death is August 28, 1945. If you have any further information about Lt. Vanderhorst, please contact the Memorial Union.