Richard Pendarvis

  • Lieutenant
  • World War II
  • West Wall (by Entrance Door)

Jul 22, 2020

Sep 10, 1943


From The DELTA - Sigma Nu magazine May 1944:

"Lieutenant RICHARD HAMMOND PENDARVIS, Γ Σ (Iowa State) 382 USNR, was killed September 10, 1943 in an airplane accident at La Jolla, Calif. He was a meterologist and had been in charge of the weather office in San Francisco, and was en route to take charge of the weather office in La Jolla. The plane hit a target from another plane, tearing off the tail and losing control, too low to bail out. Born July 22, 1920, Bartlesville, Okla.; initiated February 16, 1941."

Father: Mr. C.L. Pendarvis.