Year at ISU: 1947
Private Robert Page Ployhar was born October 26, 1925 to Percy Page Ployar and Margaret Mishelam Ployhar. He grew up in Valley City, North Dakota.
Robert entered the service at Fort Snelling, Minnesota on September 1, 1943. He received the Expert Infantryman Bade at Camp Hauze, Texas, in September 1944 at went to France that October.
Robert was killed in action on January 15, 1944 in Bastogne and was buried at the US military cemetery at Niederbraun, France. He was 19 years old.
After his death, Robert received the Purple, Combat Infantry Badge and a Presidential Citation.
His parents wrote the following letter, dated February 26, 1946, to the Alumni Association:
"Dear Friends,
We, the parents of Private Robert Ployhar, want to thank you for the many kindnesses you have extended to use since the loss of our only son, a former student at your school. (NP) The sympathy letter, the invitation to the Memorial Day Service, now the printed program of that beautiful service, the issue of the Alumnus of December with the write-up in it, all have been greatly appreciated by us.
May God bless you all for the kind services rendered [to] Gold Star parents.
Mr. & Mrs. Percy Ployhar."