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Final Report of the Gold Star Hall Criteria Committee

March 6, 2004; amended March 7, 2011; November 1, 2019

General Understandings in the Matter of Refining the Criteria

  • The military and the way combat is waged have changed dramatically since World War I, World War II, Korea, and Vietnam. This affects the way criteria are applied.
  • No criteria will fit every case and, therefore, judgments must be made
  • A representative committee should review and vote upon each name submitted for inclusion in the Gold Star Hall
  • It may not be possible to trace or discover all possible eligible persons
  • Criteria that are established by the committee and approved by the MU Director will be used for all selections after November 1, 2019

Gold Star Hall Selection Committee

  • The selection committee may include:
  • Appropriate members of the Alumni Association
  • ISU professors of Military Science
  • ISU student (to be appointed by Student Government) in Naval Science, Military Science, or Air Force Aerospace Studies; or who has had active military service
  • Memorial Union representative(s)
  • Interested veterans 

Criteria for Inclusion in the Gold Star Hall

  • Must be a current or former ISU student who was enrolled and attended class on a full-time basis
  • Must have died during or as a direct result of a government-sponsored military operation. The cause of death was directly related to the military operation and/or occurred within the theater of operation.
  • Must have served in the Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Navy, Marines, or Merchant Marine in an active or active reserve capacity
  • The military operation must have occurred during the official dates of a war or conflict as defined by the US Department of Defense

Other Recommendations

  • All reasonable measures will be taken to discover, solicit, or encourage submission of names for inclusion, using available Iowa State channels as well as other public media
  • Upon conclusion of their work, selection committees will retain all records of their deliberations, and submit them to University Specials Collections for long-term storage

Questions? Send a message to the Gold Star Hall Committee Chair.