Who May Advertise in the Memorial Union
  • Recognized student organizations and Iowa State departments submit requests to advertise messages about specific campus activities and programs. Only on-campus programs, events, and services can be advertised. All messages must be related to Iowa State University and pertain directly to students and/or the University audience. Due to our advertising scheduling needs, we are unable to post ads longer than a week at a time.
  • An approved Event Authorization form for the event must be on file in the MU Event Management Office prior to the message being displayed.
  • Groups/companies external to Iowa State can contact advertising@iastate.edu for advertising and sponsorship opportunities in the Memorial Union.
User Priority

Should available space become a problem, messages will be accepted in accordance with the following hierarchy:

  • Memorial Union sponsored events
  • ISU recognized student organization sponsored events
  • Other events occurring in the Memorial Union
  • ISU recognized campus organization sponsored events
  • Other events
  • Messages are limited to one per specific event, program or activity date.
  • Ongoing (i.e. once a month) events or activities may be accommodated. Requestors will need to specify every individual event date on their request form.
  • The University reserves the right to use MU advertising space exclusively for emergency notification and communication (i.e. snow emergencies or closures) as events or situations require.
  • All posts must comply with the University’s non-discrimination policy.

Messages That Can't Be Displayed

  • General meetings or perpetual/recurring activities (i.e. occurring more often than once a month);  weekly activities may be posted periodically, but not every week, by submitting individual request forms for entries;
  • Events open only to members of an organization; events off-campus
  • Messages pertinent to only selected individuals or organization members;
  • Messages about personal items for sale, personal parties and private events;
  • Messages inconsistent with University policies or local, state or federal law; 
  • Non-University related events or commercial enterprises (please contact advertising@iastate.edu for alternative opportunities)
  • Messages that state or imply university endorsement or approval of any goods, services or event/program content;
  • Any promotion of the sale or consumption of alcohol;
  • Political campaign messages of any kind (campus, local, state or national);
  • Disrespectful or derogatory language directed toward any individual, group of individuals, organization, department or school. 
  • Naming of commercial sponsorships for events or activities

The Memorial Union reserves the right to refuse any requested advertisement that it deems inappropriate or that exceeds message volume.

How to Advertise
  • All requests for advertising in the MU are initiated by submitting the online request form
  • Message requests will not be taken over the phone or via e-mail.
  • Request forms must be submitted at least two (2) weeks prior to the Monday the advertisement will run. Failure to follow this schedule could result in not receiving requested display date/time(s).
  • Late requests may be considered by the MU Marketing staff but are not guaranteed to be run.
All Message Requests Must Include the Following Information
  • Sponsoring organization/office
  • Point of contact (name of person responsible for the event) and email.
Timing and Number of Days of Display
  • A message will run for one week starting on Monday, preferably the week prior to or the week of your event. If your event falls in the middle of your requested week, it will be terminated once the date has passed.
  • We will accept no more than 4 ISU departmental or student organization ads per week on a first come, first serve basis.
  • An ad can be run for no more than a maximum of 5 weeks at a time if space is available.
Tips and Information on Submitting Messages
  • Display messages need to be extremely brief. We recommend fewer than 15 words for table tent and digital advertisements, and 10 words or fewer for the marquee. Messages should be edited by the requestor to conform to the general journalistic style of answering “who,” “what,” “when,” “where,” and/or “how much” (admission fee). Include any punctuation in your message as you wish it to appear. Content of messages may be altered slightly by the MU Marketing staff to adjust to the format of the advertisement. The MU Marketing staff reserve the right to edit messages for clarity, brevity and propriety. 
  • All requestors are responsible for verifying the accuracy of their submissions. Messages may be returned for clarity and conformity to standards. 
  • Messages may be updated at the discretion of the MU Marketing staff during the display period.
  • Digital display ads are shown for 15 seconds at a time. Marquee messages are shown for 12 seconds at a time.

Requests that do not meet the established policy criteria will be returned to the Requestor. If the Requestor would like to ask for an exception to the policy, the Requestor may provide additional justification to the Director of the Memorial Union. Requests for exception must be submitted within 24 hours of receiving notification that the submitted message has been rejected. All appeals will be given priority attention and normally will be reviewed and decided no later than three (3) days from receipt by the Director of the Memorial Union.

Additional Information

Prospective users are encouraged to use a variety of communications media for announcing events.

The Memorial Union provides no guarantee that every program, event, or activity for which a request is received will be posted, but you will only be charged if your information is posted, and you will be notified either way. Due to limited space, message submissions submitted by recognized student organizations or campus organizations for programs, events and activities may be prioritized at the discretion of the MU advertising staff.

ISU departments and student organizations may only advertise in our allowed spaces in the MU.

Questions about this policy and the use of Memorial Union advertising opportunities should be directed to the Memorial Union Advertising Staff.

Advertising Request Form