If this is for an event, has the event been approved by Event Authorization?
Not Applicable
Day/time/location, cost, logos, url, event details, sponsorship info, etc.
Please give us direction on how you would like your graphics to look. This could be colors, typography, mood, style, etc. 
When you want to see the first draft(s) of requested graphics. When applicable, this is where we will present all our ideas, concepts, mock-ups, and/or themes for your request. Ideally this will be at least a week after today and at least a week before your due date.
When you need the file printed, ready, or "in hand" by.

Do you want this distributed via Student Engagement's flyer distribution service?*

Drop off 249 flyers along with confirmation/payment email to Student Engagement (1560 Memorial Union) before 5:00 pm on Friday.
 Must be a FRIDAY (on or after your Due Date)

Print Formats Requested*

Please check all of the formats you will need. If there is something different you need that's not listed here, please request below in "Other Files Needed".

Please list print quantities and types of paper for each format requested above.

Example: 60 handouts total (15 sheets cut into fourths) on bright blue cardstock.

Digital Formats Requested*

For display screens, horizontal and vertical, 1920x1080px)
(Email-sized poster, vertical, 600x944px)
(Email header, horizontal, 600x250px, limited text)
(for social media, 500x500px, limited text)
For Instagram stories (1080x1920px, limited text)
For events featured on website in card format, (square, 688x688px, limited text)
Please check only the formats you will actually need. If there is something different you need that's not listed here, please request below in "Other Files Needed."

Example: Buttons, Invites, Stickers, etc.

Please be as specific as possible, including materials and quantities if applicable.

Do you want MU Marketing to send this to print?*

(indicate where in additional notes)

Where would you like to pick up your print order?

Would you like extra promotion from MU Marketing?*

Promotional and Marketing Help Requested

Please include budget in additional notes.
ex: @my_isu_mu
ex: Tuesday, March 23 from 2-3pm in the Great Hall
ex: Jane Doe at janed@iastate.edu, Wednesday afternoons
Any other deadlines, specifications, or requirements for your graphics. 
Please upload any relevant logo, photo, inspiration etc. relevant to your request (that we do not already have).
One file only.
10 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, eps, tif, txt, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, xml, mov, mp3, svg, zip.
Please upload any relevant logo, photo, inspiration etc. relevant to your request (that we do not already have).
One file only.
10 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, eps, tif, txt, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, xml, mov, mp3, svg, zip.
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